
Ingrown Toenails

Board Certified Foot and Ankle Surgeons located in Arcadia, CA

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails affect around 1 in 5 adults in the United States. If you notice an ingrown toenail, visit Caitlyn Lee, DPM, AACFAS, and Wenjay Sung, DPM, FACFAS, at Global Podiatry Partners, Inc. in Arcadia, California. They provide conservative treatments for mildly ingrown toenails and in-office surgical removal for more severe cases. Call the Global Podiatry Partners, Inc. office today to book an appointment or schedule an ingrown toenail evaluation via the online booking tool.

Ingrown Toenails Q & A

What are ingrown toenails?

Ingrown toenails develop when the side or corner of your toenail grows into the skin surrounding the nail bed. Typically, ingrown toenails affect the big toes, which tend to have thicker, harder nails.

Without treatment, ingrown toenails become increasingly painful. The skin swells and reddens, and pressure develops that can become infuriating. You might be tempted to cut into the ingrown nail portion to relieve the pressure. If you do, the problem only worsens.

Do I need to worry about ingrown toenails?

Most ingrown toenails are uncomfortable and irritating but not dangerous. A severe ingrown toenail could become infected — if it does, you see pus in the affected area.

Infection could develop more rapidly and present a serious problem if an ingrown toenail becomes infected, and you don’t notice because you have diabetic peripheral neuropathy that makes your toe numb.

Why do I have ingrown toenails?

Ingrown toenails sometimes just happen. However, cutting your nails too short or rounding the sides like you would with fingernails is the most common cause.

You’re more likely to get ingrown toenails if you’ve got unusually curved toenails, suffer a toenail injury, or wear tight-fitting shoes that compress your toenails.

What should I do if I have ingrown toenails?

As soon as you spot an ingrown toenail, soak the affected foot in warm water. That helps to reduce inflammation and relieve irritation around your nail. Warm water also eases pain and tenderness.

As mentioned, you shouldn’t attempt to cut out the ingrown nail yourself. That may provide short-term relief, but as the nail regrows, it embeds even deeper into the skin. Instead, make an appointment with Global Podiatry Partners, Inc. for an assessment.

How does my podiatrist treat ingrown toenails?

Your podiatrist can guide mild ingrown toenail growth away from the skin by placing a tiny splint under the nail. However, if the nail is too deep, they may need to remove a portion of the ingrown nail and, in some cases, the nail bed.

Nail and nail bed removal is noninvasive and causes minimal discomfort. Your podiatrist can give you a local anesthetic to ensure you’re comfortable throughout this in-office procedure. Correct ingrown toenail removal allows the nail to grow back without ingrowing again.

Call Global Podiatry Partners, Inc. to arrange an ingrown toenail consultation or schedule an appointment by completing the online booking form.