
Ankle Pain

Board Certified Foot and Ankle Surgeons located in Arcadia, CA

Ankle Pain

Most people have occasional ankle pain, but if your symptoms last more than a few days, seek treatment. At Global Podiatry Partners, Inc. in Arcadia, California, board-certified podiatrists and foot and ankle surgeons Caitlyn Lee, DPM, AACFAS, and Wenjay Sung, DPM, FACFAS, offer several types of treatment for ankle pain, including physical therapy, custom orthotics, and, if necessary, surgery. Call Global Podiatry Partners, Inc. today to schedule treatment for ankle pain, or book your appointment online. 

Ankle Pain Q & A

Is ankle pain serious?

Ankle pain is one of the most common foot-related complaints, and it typically goes away in a day or two. But symptoms that affect your mobility or routine might indicate a more serious problem. 

What causes ankle pain?

The podiatrists at Global Podiatry Partners, Inc. treat ankle pain from a variety of causes, including:

  • Arthritis
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Flat feet
  • Bursitis
  • Sprains and strains
  • Fractures
  • Gout

Sometimes, ankle pain is due to an infection, such as osteomyelitis or cellulitis.

How does a podiatrist diagnose ankle pain?

Your Global Podiatry Partners, Inc. provider reviews your medical records and asks about your symptoms, including where the pain occurs, what it feels like, and if it extends to other areas, like your foot or leg. 

Next, your provider checks your foot and ankle for redness, bruising, and swelling. They assess your ankle’s range of motion and gently press on your heel and lower leg to identify sensitivity. They also have you do some easy exercises to observe how your feet and legs move.

Last, your provider orders X-rays, CT scans, or an MRI. These imaging procedures capture detailed photos of your bones, joints, and soft tissues to help identify injuries like fractures, torn ligaments, or dislocated joints.

How is ankle pain treated?

The podiatrists and foot and ankle surgeons at Global Podiatry Partners, Inc. treat ankle pain using a conservative and minimally invasive approach. They might suggest:

  • Rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE protocol)
  • Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication
  • Custom orthotics
  • Braces or splints
  • Joint aspiration
  • Physical therapy
  • Corticosteroid injections

If you have a broken bone or torn ligaments and tendons, your podiatrist might recommend surgery. During surgery, they use small, hand-held instruments to make repairs and remove diseased or damaged tissue.

How can I reduce my risk of ankle pain?

The easiest way to reduce your risk of ankle pain is to take good care of your feet. Global Podiatry Partners, Inc. recommends maintaining a healthy weight, warming up before exercise, and strengthening your ankle muscles. 

If you experience ankle pain while running or working out, listen to your body. Stop and take a break instead of pushing through the discomfort.

Call Global Podiatry Partners, Inc. today to explore the treatments for ankle pain, or book your appointment online.