

Board Certified Foot and Ankle Surgeons located in Arcadia, CA


Calluses are a common problem affecting the feet and ankles. But if you have poor circulation or diabetes, they increase your risk of more serious issues, like infection. At Global Podiatry Partners, Inc. in Arcadia, California, board-certified podiatrists and foot and ankle surgeons Caitlyn Lee, DPM, AACFAS, and Wenjay Sung, DPM, FACFAS, specialize in treating calluses. The practice is one of the few in Los Angeles County offering fat pad injections to reduce friction and improve mobility. Call Global Podiatry Partners, Inc. today to schedule treatment for calluses, or book your appointment online. 

Calluses Q & A

Don’t calluses form on the palms of the hands?

Calluses are buildups of hard, thickened skin. They commonly occur on the palms of the hands but can form anywhere your skin experiences regular friction. 

Calluses are often large and have an irregular or oblong shape. They’re particularly common on the heels and balls of the feet because those areas carry most of your weight. 

What causes calluses?

Calluses result from repeated friction or pressure on your skin. If you wear shoes or socks that irritate the heels, balls, or soles of your feet, excess skin builds up as a defense mechanism. 

The hardened skin protects the underlying tissue from additional damage, but it can be uncomfortable and affect mobility. 

Who is at risk of foot and toe calluses?

Foot and toe calluses affect people of all ages, but several factors increase your risk, including:

  • Smoking
  • Walking barefoot
  • Wearing tight shoes
  • Running or exercising
  • Poor posture
  • Structural abnormalities (for example, bunions and hammertoes)

Underlying health problems can increase your risk of calluses. For example, rheumatoid arthritis and gout affect the alignment of the bones in your feet, causing them to rub against your socks and shoes. 

What are the symptoms of calluses?

Callus symptoms include:

  • Hardened areas of skin on the heels or balls of your feet
  • Thick, hardened, or flattened patches of skin
  • Pain, redness, or blisters
  • Raised areas or bumps that are painful

Seek treatment even if your symptoms are mild. Over time, calluses can turn into open sores, increasing the risk of infection.

How are calluses diagnosed?

Your Global Podiatry Partners, Inc. provider reviews your medical records, asks about your symptoms, and examines your feet. Calluses are visible, but your podiatrist might have you walk around the room to assess your posture and gait and how your shoes move with your feet. 

How are calluses treated?

Global Podiatry Partners, Inc. treats calluses using a conservative and minimally invasive approach. Your provider might suggest:

  • Soaking your feet in warm water
  • Using a pumice stone to remove excess skin
  • Applying moisturizing cream to the callus
  • Wearing adhesive pads to cushion the callus
  • Applying an ice pack to reduce swelling

If your feet are bony, they might recommend fat pad injections. Fat pad injections use human fat tissue to plump up your feet, reducing friction against your skin. 

Call Global Podiatry Partners, Inc. today to schedule treatment for calluses, or book your appointment online.